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What is your job?
I am a research scientist at a wildlife research institute. My job is to study wild cats to learn about their ecology so that we can recommend ways to help them survive.

Where do you work?
I work in Kingsville, Texas. My research focus in Texas is on helping the endangered ocelot.

Why do you care about helping clouded leopards?
I care about helping clouded leopards because they are such a unique and special species that deserves the right to exist in the wild for future generations.

How did you get your start?
I worked as a volunteer on a bobcat reintroduction project in Georgia when I was 23. I learned how to trap and radio track bobcats.

What's the best part of your job?
The field work. Whether I am in Thailand or Texas, I love getting out in the field and working. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable (too hot, too many insects, etc.), but at the end of the day you feel very satisfied. >

What suggestions could you give me for getting into your field?
When I was young, I wrote a letter to Dr. George Schaller, who is a world-renowed wildlife researcher, and told him of my desire to study cats. He responded that if this is what I truly wanted to do that I needed to stay focused and finish my education up through a Ph.D. He was right, and I would offer the same advice to any person who wants to follow this path.

Do you think clouded leopards have a chance to survive in the wild?
Yes, as long as the will of the people and governments where clouded leopards range is strong. This can be assured by public awareness and research efforts. Wildlife conservation is a full-time job. Whether it be research, education or policy lobbying, the effort must always be put forth.

How can I help clouded leopards?
By supporting organizations that support clouded leopard conservation such as The Clouded Leopard Project.