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Sumatran Carnivores Conservation Education Program – Progress Update 2013 paw
Clouded Leopard Education Projects
Sumatran Carnivores Conservation Education Program – Progress Update 2013

The Sumatran Carnivores Conservation Education Program (SCCEP) has been working in Kerinci National Park in west Sumatra for five years. The aim of the program is to communicate carnivore conservation to the general public, particularly for younger generations. Using the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) as a focal species for conservation, the SCCEP runs lessons in twenty elementary schools in the Kerinci district. The intended outcome of these lessons is to increase awareness of the conservation work happening in Kerinci Seblat National Park and highlight the important link between carnivore conservation and the preservation of the forests, on which local communities rely.

Enthusiastic students being taught by one of the SCCEP’s volunteers
The SCCEP is run by volunteers, many of whom are also members of the Kerinci Bird-watching Club and the Kerinci Forestry Scouting Organization. Three new members, who are students at Kerinci Education and Teaching University, have recently joined the team to gain experience in teaching and develop new skills. Together, the group has put together strategies to ensure the continuing success of the project. These include using the forest as a classroom for their lessons, conducting more workshops for teachers and getting feedback from them on the lessons, and working with more youth groups so the conservation message is spread further across more schools.

Throughout 2014, the SCCEP will be concentrating on continuing their lessons in elementary schools, as well as educating teachers. They have also provided on the job training to their new recruits, and supported further clouded leopard research projects. Due to limited resources and a lack of full-time members, the SCCEP has been unable to visit any more schools at this time. However, they hope to continue teaching about conservation in Kerinci and expanding to more groups in the near future.