The Clouded Leopard SSP is pleased to announce the establishment of a cooperative breeding and research program in Thailand that will support wild clouded leopard conservation and enhance breeding success in both Thai and American zoos. This project has two primary components: a captive breeding project and a wild clouded leopard conservation and research project.

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Baby Leopards in Action


Captive Breeding Project at Khao Kheow Open Zoo

This program, based at the Khao Kheow Open Zoo, has been developed by a consortium consisting of the Thailand Zoological Parks Organization (ZPO), Nashville Zoo, Smithsonian's National Zoological Park, and the Clouded Leopard SSP. Khao Kheow Zoo will serve as the project's first breeding center in Thailand, housing pairs of clouded leopards originating from the five zoos within the ZPO. Some of the cubs that result may eventually be exported to the United States to serve as new founders to the SSP population in an effort to improve that population's genetics and demographics.

An essential component of the project is the placement of a full-time coordinator from the United States in Thailand. The coordinator will oversee the project and perform critical duties such as developing proper husbandry techniques, train Thai zookeepers, improve enclosures, assist in veterinary care, and maintain records. Experienced clouded leopard managers from Smithsonian National Zoo,the Nashville Zoo, and Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium will rotate duties as project coordinator, with the zoos funding their salaries while they are working in Thailand.

This project has multiple animal management and research objectives including:

   Renovate existing enclosures at the Khao Kheow Open Zoo to provide isolated breeding areas and dens for clouded leopards
Provide an onsite animal manager with extensive experience in clouded leopard breeding, nutrition, and management
Provide salary for an English-speaking Thai animal keeper
Provide training in basic clouded leopard husbandry and breeding techniques
Develop a record keeping system for animal husbandry, nutrition, breeding, pregnancy, and cub survival data
Formulate and provide a nutritionally balanced diet and determine source for fresh rodents and quail
Move cats to newly renovated enclosures
Assess changes in stress (measured as fecal cortisol) before and after the move to improved, isolated enclosures (conducted by Brookfield Zoo)
Assess female reproductive status and cyclicity using fecal hormone analyses of estrogen and progesterone metabolites (conducted by Smithsonian National Zoological Park)
Begin introductions and breeding encounters with selected animals
Monitor pregnancy/gestation/parturition using fecal hormones

Progress Reports
May 2003
October 2005

Wild Clouded Leopard Conservation in Thailand:

The Carnivore Conservation Project

Click here to learn more about this exciting work studying the wild cats of Thailand!  


As of September 2005, this project has been generously funded by:

Brookfield Zoo
Smithsonian's National Zoo
Sacramento Zoo
Nashville Zoo
John Ball Zoological Society
Zoo Atlanta 
Clouded Leopard SSP®
Oglebay's Good Zoo

Karen Goodrowe-Beck

Linda Mars

Sean and Cary Barrett

Debra Johnson

Sharon Witman & Mark Wolinsky

Caribbean Gardens 
Disney's Animal Kingdom
Cincinnati Zoo
International Animal Exchange
Hexagon Farm
Columbus Zoo
Oakhill Center
Topeka Zoo
Friends of the National Zoo

Clint and Missy Kelly

Penny Miller

Marie Huddle

Oakhill Center

Fort Worth Zoo
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

Point Defiance AAZK Chapter
Alexandria Zoo
Little Rock Zoo
Cincinnati Zoo
Bonnie and Steve Breitbeil
Minnesota Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo
Cleveland AAZK Chapter

Ann Bissell

Bergen County Zoo


More funding is still needed. Contributions may be sent to:

Jo Gayle Howard, DVM
Department of Reproductive Sciences
National Zoological Park
3001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008

Please make checks out to FONZ (Friends of the National Zoo) and include a notation indicating the monies are for the "Thailand Clouded Leopard Consortium."

Thank you for your support of this important project.

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